Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ciao Time

Egmont UK just sent me the jacket art for their version of the AU REVOIR sequel, which they're calling CIAO FOR NOW, CRAZY EUROPEAN CHICK. I dig it a lot -- they did a great job with the first book, and this one looks even better.

What about the US version, you ask? Well...there's this --

Right now we're still tweaking the art here in the states, but that's the title, and I like this jacket design a lot.

Cool, huh? It looks like I actually wrote a trilogy, and I've actually only done two books -- so far. Stay tuned...


  1. Oh Holy Cow!! I can't believe you heard my prayers!!! There's going to be a sequel!!!!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I really, really love Au revoir, Crazy European Chick! Here is what I think about it (and my constant prayers asking for a sequel!)


    Im looking forward to read Perry's Killer Playlist! =D yay!!

    Dazzling Reads

  2. Hi there Mr Schreiber,
    I have just finished reading au revoir crazy European chick this very minute and am hungry for more. I live in Australia and happened to stumble upon your book in a store that was closing down. Is the sequel sold in most major book stores here???

  3. I just finished the sequel. Please I need more. Who is in the islands? Please write another book!

  4. I just finished the sequel. Please I need more. Who is in the islands? Please write another book!
