Friday, January 20, 2012

Anarchy in the UK

It's not due out until March, but this morning I received my first copies of the Egmont UK edition of Au Revoir -- pictured above with a well-used London tube map and a brochure from St. Paul's Cathedral, souvenirs from my research trip across the pond in 2010. My family and I spent several days in London, where I got to have lunch on a cold November day with the extremely awesome Ali Dougal, my UK editor, and some of the Egmont publicity staff. England is wonderful, and my wife makes no secret of the fact that we'd move there in a heartbeat...even if we weren't both obsessed with Downton Abbey...

Egmont UK's supercool Electric Monkey imprint did an amazing job with this book. It looks great, they've got a blurb from the LA Times review on the cover and a little teaser on the inside back cover for the sequel, which Egmont is calling Ciao for Now, Crazy European Chick (here in the States, it's Perry's European Playlist).

Anyway, I'm really excited about this -- and I hope UK readers really enjoy it too!

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